Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Install Python 3 on CentOS 6.4 minimal

Install Python 3 on CentOS 6.4 minimal
Environment: CentOS6.4 minimal

Require Package (C Complier)
#yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

Go to desired path for store the downloaded file. e.g.
#cd /tmp

Download Python 3.3.1
#wget http://python.org/ftp/python/3.3.1/Python-3.3.1.tar.bz2
Latest Version: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.4.3/Python-3.4.3.tgz

unzip into current directory
#tar xf Python-3.3.1.tar.bz2

Configure Script
#cd Python-3.3.1
#./configure --prefix=/usr/local

#make altinstall

For the version 3.4, pip is included in Python package. 
You may get the following error, which means you have not install "Development Tools" well
Ignoring ensurepip failure: pip 6.0.8 requires SSL/TLS

Check if installed
#python3.3 --version

There are python2.6 & 3.3.1 in my CentOS concurrently.
When I call "python", the version is 2.6.
I would like change it instead of typing in "python3.3" every time, so just link it up as below
PS: The path may be different.
#ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python3.3 /usr/bin/python

Don't do the strike through procedure above, it will make "yum install" crash.

延伸閱讀 Extended Reading
Why need to install C Compiler?
"Configure" Script checks the dependencies. C compiler is required in the installation procedure.

What the difference between "make install" & "make altinstall"?
"make altinstall" avoids the conflict with the current and existing package in OS

What is the parameter "xf xvf" of TAR?
x means "Extract"
v means "be verbose" (list files being processed)
f means "to file"

here is some basic options...

       [-]c --create
       [-]d --diff --compare
       [-]r --append
       [-]t --list
       [-]u --update
       [-]x --extract --get       

       Common Options:
       -C, --directory DIR
       -f, --file F
       -v, --verbose
       -z, --gzip

The details of the parameter & common option, please refer to the damn boring GNU manual below


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Backup & Restore MySQL database

Backup & Restore MySQL Database
Environment: MySQL 5

Backup - All Databases
#mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > /tmp/AllDatabase.sql

Backup - Single Database
#mysqldump -u root -p YourDbName > /tmp/database.sql

Backup - Single Table
#mysqldump -u root -p YourDbName YourTableName> /tmp/table.sql

Restore- Single Table
#mysql -u root -p YourDbName < /tmp/table.sql

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Run own script on Linux startup

Run own script on Linux startup
Environment: Ubuntu 12.04

Reference Link:

Make the script executable
#sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/myscript.sh

Make the script run on startup
#sudo update-rc.d myscript.sh defaults 98 02

98 is the start sequence numbers
02 is stop sequence numbers

Both are numbers between 00 and 99
Specify how early or late a service is started or killed.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Auto Login in Console Mode

Auto Login in Console Mode

Environment: Ubuntu 12.04

/* ------------------------------------------------------------Method 1

Install mingetty
#sudo apt-get install mingetty

open the tty1 conf
#sudo nano /etc/init/tty1.conf

modify the following lines:
exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1
exec /sbin/mingetty --autologin root --noclear tty1

#sudo reboot
/* ------------------------------------------------------------End of Method 1

/* ------------------------------------------------------------Method 2

Install package
#sudo apt-get install xorg nodm

Enable Auto Login
#sudo nano /etc/default/nodm

modify the following lines:
NODM_USER = root
PS: NODM_USER is the user you want to login automatically when startup

/* ------------------------------------------------------------End of Method 2

What is getty?
wiki :  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getty_%28Unix%29
按wiki的解說,就是 "get teletype", a utility call by "init", invoke login.

而 teletype 大慨是 teletypewriter / terminal
wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tty_%28Unix%29

簡單說, 就是在startup的過程裏, 會call這個getty 進行登入程序... 如果要設定成自動登入就得使用mingetty 來取代原本的getty.

那麼甚麼是 mingetty?
根據網上解釋 就是 designed to be a minimal getty for the virtual terminals on the the workstation's monitor and keyboard.

不求甚解下, 總之auto login 就用 mingetty 攪定吧.

mingetty -options as below:

Do not clear the screen before prompting for the login name (the screen is normally cleared).
Do not print a newline before writing out /etc/issue.
Do not output /etc/issue.
Do not call vhangup() to disable writing to this tty by other applications.
Do not print the hostname before the login prompt.
By default the hostname is only printed until the first dot. With this option enabled, the full text from gethostname() is shown.
--loginprog /bin/login
Change the login app.
--nice 10
Change the priority by calling nice().
--delay 5
Sleep this many seconds after startup of mingetty.
--chdir /home
Change into this directory before calling the login prog.
--chroot /chroot
Call chroot() with this directory name.
--autologin username
Log the specified user automatically in without asking for a login name and password. Check the -f option from /bin/login for this.
Wait for any key before dropping to the login prompt. Can be combined with --autologin to save memory by lazily spawning shells.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

轉換 EPG 由英文變中文

轉換 EPG 由英文變中文 - MCE
Environment: Windows 8 with Media Center

用英文版 windows 的話, 在使用 Media Center 接收 TV signal (DVB-TH) 取得的 EPG 會顯示英文.
但只要更改 registry, 即可以不影響介面下令 EPG 只顯示中文.


eng 改成 chi 即可, 如下圖