Sunday, August 20, 2017

Routing and Remote Access Service won't start on Windows 10

Routing and Remote Access Service won't start on Windows 10
Environment: MS Windows 10

It kept prompting up error when starting the Service, so that unable to setup incoming connection (VPN)

Fixed it by editing the registry:

  1. Search for “regedit” using Cortana, then run the regedit command in search results to launch Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasMan
    1. Create a new DWORD (Edit > New > DWORD)
    2. Name the new DWORD SvcHostSplitDisable
    3. Open the new DWORD, set the value to 1, then click OK
  3. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess
    1. Create a new DWORD (Edit > New > DWORD)
    2. Name the new DWORD SvcHostSplitDisable
    3. Open the new DWORD, set the value to 1, then click OK
  4. Restart your PC (Start > Power > Restart)

Thanks for watching 


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Error Encoding with Python 3 on Windows Command Prompt

Error Encoding with Python 3 on Windows Command Prompt
Environment: MS Windows 7 / Python 3.4

I have do some script with Python 3, but the output is always contains some weird character, looks like error encoding, Python 3 is using unicode by default, Finally, I found that the problem is come from the Command Prompt, you must configure the code page of command prompt to ensure which is running with unicode.

Method to change the code page:
<command prompt>
#chcp 65001
then right click, <command prompt> , <properties> , change the font to something other than Raster
it will turn command prompt to using unicode UTF-8, the setting will be save once your run the command.

Thanks for watching

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Clear Map Drive User Login Cache

Clear Map Drive User Login Cache
Environment: Windows 7

You may experienced that you tried to mapping network drive resource with different credentials, but, the connection has not been closed properly, then, you try to clear the drive mapping by Command Prompt like
#net use <Something> /delete

But no luck. Actually, Windows may memorized the credential and cannot clear by restart or re-login.
You need to clear it by yourself as shown below

Control Panel

On the left hand side

then, You will see a list of Windows Credentials, just delete at your will.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Update HOST file in Mac OS X

Update HOST file in Mac OS X
Environment: Mac OS X

Host File Path: /private/etc/hosts

#sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Shopping Cart with phpmailer - Unable to connect to server / Could not instantiate mail function in PHPMailer

Shopping Cart with phpmailer - Could not connect to server /  Could not instantiate mail function in PHPMailer
Environment: Centos 6.4 / 

I spent a long time on this fucking damn problem, so I hope it can give you some clues on your situation.

I configured the smtp servver with port number, but it keep pop me a message saying could not connect,
I able to telnet the SMTP server on the machine, and send mail in command mode, iptables allows those traffic,
but, phpmailer keep fail me no matter the mode I configure [SMTP / mail / sendmail]

I don't waste your time to read my investigation, let's see the solution

It caused by the module SELinux is enabled in Linux, which blocked all the mail sent through httpd

you can checked the status of your system by the following command

plus, you should check the parameter httpd_can_sendmail is off or not.

if SELINUX is enforcing & httpd_can_sendmail is off, that's the reason the connection was failed.
input the command below to turn is on

In my case, the email feature resumed normal, hope it can help you

延伸閱讀 Extended Reading
What is SELinux?
will be answer on my next post.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

PDF is Corrupted in WP Download Manager

PDF is Corrupted in WP Download Manager
Environment:Wordpress 3 with plugin Ngg Gallery & WP Download Manager

I've encounter a problem with wp download manager.
I setup a download page with the plugin, to letting people download PDF from the website

The page looks good, and the files are able to download, but, the PDF is corrupted after uploaded.
The PDF was no problem before upload to the site, after searching around, I got the answer from WP forum.

The cause is WP Download Manager cannot live with another plugin "NGG Gallery"

Thanks god,  there is a workaround from the expert:
Place the function to

function wpdm_skip_ngg_resource_manager($r){
    return false;
add_filter('run_ngg_resource_manager', 'wpdm_skip_ngg_resource_manager');

So, they don't need to separate with each other forever and ever.

延伸閱讀 Extended Reading
Any Side effects?
At the moment, No.

What's  run_ngg_resource_manager?
It is a new function which introduced in version 2.0.11 NGG Gallery.

The Change Log & Description as below:
NEW: Added “run_ngg_resource_manager” hook to by-pass our resource manager

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Install Python 3 on CentOS 6.4 minimal

Install Python 3 on CentOS 6.4 minimal
Environment: CentOS6.4 minimal

Require Package (C Complier)
#yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

Go to desired path for store the downloaded file. e.g.
#cd /tmp

Download Python 3.3.1
Latest Version:

unzip into current directory
#tar xf Python-3.3.1.tar.bz2

Configure Script
#cd Python-3.3.1
#./configure --prefix=/usr/local

#make altinstall

For the version 3.4, pip is included in Python package. 
You may get the following error, which means you have not install "Development Tools" well
Ignoring ensurepip failure: pip 6.0.8 requires SSL/TLS

Check if installed
#python3.3 --version

There are python2.6 & 3.3.1 in my CentOS concurrently.
When I call "python", the version is 2.6.
I would like change it instead of typing in "python3.3" every time, so just link it up as below
PS: The path may be different.
#ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python3.3 /usr/bin/python

Don't do the strike through procedure above, it will make "yum install" crash.

延伸閱讀 Extended Reading
Why need to install C Compiler?
"Configure" Script checks the dependencies. C compiler is required in the installation procedure.

What the difference between "make install" & "make altinstall"?
"make altinstall" avoids the conflict with the current and existing package in OS

What is the parameter "xf xvf" of TAR?
x means "Extract"
v means "be verbose" (list files being processed)
f means "to file"

here is some basic options...

       [-]c --create
       [-]d --diff --compare
       [-]r --append
       [-]t --list
       [-]u --update
       [-]x --extract --get       

       Common Options:
       -C, --directory DIR
       -f, --file F
       -v, --verbose
       -z, --gzip

The details of the parameter & common option, please refer to the damn boring GNU manual below